
Cambodian Society of Comparative Law International Conference

Panhasastra University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh

Developing Laws for Economic Order and Social Justice

In celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Peace Agreements signed in Paris on October 23, 1991, and the subsequent adoption of the 1993 Constitution (September 21, 1993), the Cambodian Society of Comparative Law is launching academic reviews of the legal development in Cambodia over the last two decades in different fields. These reviews will be aimed at identifying the current status of legal reforms by focusing on three issues: (1) Development of basic legislation; (2) Interpretation and implementation of existing laws/legal provisions; and (3) Importing of foreign legal models/standards and the level of their subsequent adaptation in the localization process.

Starting from 2012, scholars and experts will discuss about these issues at the CSCL annual conferences. The theme for the 2012 Conference is “Developing Laws for Economic Order and Social Justice” and the discussions will take place in four areas: Competition Law, Labour Law, Civil Law (particularly the Civil Code), and Criminal Law. Each topic will be discussed in the relevant panel organized according to the agenda described in detail below. The discussions will also include cover of relevant experiences from different countries.



Day 1:

Opening ceremony

Session 1 – Criminal Law Panel (Coordinators: Kong Phallack and Meas Bora, ECCC)

Part 1: Criminal Code in Review

  • Speaker 1 (TBC) Juvenile Justice and the new draft law
  • Speaker 2 (Dr. Measn Bora,, ECCC) Cambodian Criminal Jurisdiction
  • Speaker 3 (TBC) The ECCC and its influence on the Civil Code

Part 2: Recent development in the ECCC

  • Speaker 1 (Vidjia, Cambodia)
  • Speaker 2 (TBC)

Session 2 – Civil Code Panel (Coordinator: Kuong Teilee, Nagoya University)

Part 1: Panel discussions: Civil Codes in Comparison – Cambodia and Japan

  • Panelist 1: Chee Virak, judge, RSJP
  • Panelist 2: Keng Somarith, judge, RSJP
  • Panelist 3: Okamoto Yohei, (Japanese Judge, currently long-term expert at the RSJP in Cambodia)

Part 2: Presentation: General overview of the Korean Civil Code


Day 2:

Session 3 – Competition Law Panel

  • Speaker 1 (Prof. Phin Sovath, Panhasastra University, Cambodia)
  • Speaker 2 (Prof. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, Vietnam)
  • Speaker 3 (Prof. Vince See, University of Malaya, Malaysia)
  • Speaker 4 (Prof. Hayashi Shuya, Nagoya University, Japan)


Session 4 – Labour Law Panel

  • Speaker 1 (Kong Phallack, Cambodia)
  • Speaker 2 (ILO expert in Cambodia, TBC)
  • Speaker 3 (Japan, TBC)Closing

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