- 開催日
- 2017年02月28日(09:30~17:30)
- 会場
- 名古屋大学アジア法交流館2階アジアコミュニティフォーラム
- 主催
- 大学院法学研究科及び法政国際教育協力研究センター
- 言語
- 英語
ASEAN Community Building and New Challenges in Legal Education
The “Training Program for the Next Generation Leaders in International Cooperation for ASEAN Regional Development”, also known as the “Campus ASEAN Program”, launched by Nagoya University in 2011 and funded by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is ending in March 2017. Nagoya University School/Graduate School of Law and Center for Asian Legal Exchange have been collaborating with partner universities in ASEAN to promote academic and student exchange, with a view to strengthening the ties between ASEAN and Japan and consolidating new approaches towards training of new generation jurists in the respective countries to become well-versed with the issues of the increasingly integrated region. ASEAN was established in 1967 and is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. The ASEAN Community was officially launched in the end of 2015.
In the course of ASEAN regional integration, transboundary issues occur through international trades, environmental impacts and migration of people, etc. There is need for international cooperation, including that between ASEAN Member States and Japan, to cope with these issues.
Furthermore, in order to promote students exchange in higher education within ASEAN, various schemes have been developed to strengthen regional level quality assurance, including the ASEAN Quality Assurance Network, which is aimed at creating a common framework for quality assurance of higher education in the respective Member States.
The Campus ASEAN Forum aims to promote discussions to identify the kind of jurists indispensable for the building-up of the ASEAN Community and the direction of change in legal education of countries in the region. These discussions will enable us to further examine the appropriate way to train and educate jurists who will be able to play key roles in the future of the region. To facilitate fruitful discussions at the conference, papers presented by participating universities are expected to touch upon, inter alia, the following issues:
1. What kind of jurists is indispensable after the formation of ASEAN
Community and what are the new challenges facing legal education in the country?
2. What reforms are needed or being undertaken to cope with these challenges?
3. Is there any form of collaboration in ASEAN for promoting quality assurance of legal education? If there is no, what kind of collaboration there should be? Is there any regional or bilateral collaboration initiatives involving your University in promoting quality assurance of legal education?
4. Is there any framework (credit transfer, double degree) for promotion of student exchange among ASEAN countries as well as between ASEAN and Japan? Is your University engaged in any similar framework or initiative?
5. What is expected of Japan in terms of development of legal education in your country/University?
The results of the Forum are expected to contribute to the development of a new project also funded by the MEXT to develop human resources as an underlying element of the soft infrastructural building to bridge Japan and ASEAN
09:30 – 09:50 Opening Remarks
Mitsuki Ishii(Dean, Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University)
Welcome Speech
Katsuya Ichihashi( Trustee/Vice-President, Nagoya University)
09:50 – 10:10 Cambodia
Phalthy Hap (Professor/Vice Director, Graduate Program, Royal
University of Law and Economics)
10:10 – 10:30 Indonesia
Oce Madril, (Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University)
10:30 – 10:50 Laos
Viengvilay Thiengchanhxay( Dean, Faculty of Law and Political
Science, National University of Laos)
10:50 – 11:30 Q & A
13:00 – 13:20 Myanmar
Tin Htay Ei (Professor, Department of Law, University of
Distance Education)
13:20 – 13:40 Hanoi, Vietnam
Nguyen Van Quang (Head of International Cooperation
Department, Hanoi Law University)
13:40 – 14:00 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Do Thi Mai Hanh( Head of Private International Law,
Comparative Law Program, Ho Chi Minh City University of
14:00 – 14:40 Q & A
15:00 – 16:15 Reports by students
Kento Yoshida (Faculty of Law, Nagoya University)
Murasaki Doi (Faculty of Law, Nagoya University)
Tran Ke Duyen (Faculty of Law, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law
名古屋大学 法政国際教育協力研究センター