Nagoya University Asian Law Bulletin
Vol.10 Published on Oct. 31, 2024
Nagoya University Asian Law Bulletin編集委員会
■ Invited Articles
IkHyeon Rhee
Korean Statutory Interpretation Practices within the Executive Branch and Its Applicability to Other Nations
Marco Zappa
Em’power’ing chihō?: The Adoption of the SDGs Framework Its Consequences on Local Governance
Aliia Maralbaeva
E-justice Implementation in Central Asian (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan) and East Asian Countries (Japan, Republic of Korea and Indonesia)
■ Thematic Papers
Research Note
Vietnam’s Effective Enforcement of Handing over of a Child in International Parental Child Abduction Cases: Acceding to the 1980 Hague
Convention (2)
Farrukh A. Tuychiev
Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration: Lessons for Uzbekistan
■ Documentation
Emi Makino
Translation: People’s Military Service Law of the Union of Myanmar
(State Peace and Development Council Law No.27/2010)