
Cambodian Society of Comparative Law, The Third Annual Conference International Symposium

Date &Time
Mar. 5, 2011~Mar. 6, 2011 
Royal University of Law and Economics, Phnom Penh, Cambodia



  • Introductory remarks

r. Kuong Teilee, Associate Professor, Center for Asian Legal Exchange, Nagoya University

  • (09:30-10:30) Panel 1: Administrative Law – Regulation, deregulation and self-regulation

 (1) Administrative law reforms in Cambodia

Dr. Theng Chan-Sangvar, Chief of Cabinet at the Ministry of Rural Development and Professor of Law at the Royal University of Law and Economics, Cambodia

 (2) Independent Regulatory Authorities in France and lessons for Cambodia

Mr. Thierry Schwarz, Head of Project on Administrative Cooperation, French advisor to the Council for Administrative Reform, Cambodia

 (3) German experiences – old and new

Dr. Jorg Menzel, Associate Professor, University of Bonn, Germany

(4) Development of administrative procedure law in Japan

Mr. Ichihashi Katsuya, Professor and Director of the Center for Asian Legal Exchange, Nagoya University, Japan

  • (14:00-17:30) Panel 2: Securities Law – Facilitating and regulating financial and capital flows

(1) Impact of legal reform on economy: The case of establishment of stock exchange in Cambodia

Dr. Huot Pum, Deputy Director-General, Cambodian Stock Exchange Commission

 (2) Legal and regulatory framework for security market in Cambodia

Mr. Seang Thirith, Cambodian Stock Exchange Commission

 (3) The Korean experience

Mr. Kim Joongi, Professor and Associate Dean for International Affairs, Yonsei Law School, Korea



  • (08:30-11:30) Panel 3: Social Security Law – Building a new social-economic order in the existing marketplace

 (1) Legal regime for the welfare of employees

Mr Sok Bora, Deputy Chief of Legal Division, NSSF

 (2) Perspectives for Social Security Coverage in Cambodia

Mrs. Nina Siegert, Social Health Insurance Advisor, National Social Security Fund for Civil Servants, Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation

 (3) International cooperation in establishing the social security legal framework

Dr. Bernd Schramm, GTZ Programme Coordinator, Social Health Protection Programme, and Mr. Michael Stahl, Social Health Insurance Advisor, National Social Security Fund, Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

  • (13:30-17:30) Panel 4: Legal Education – Legal education reform in the market economy

 (1) Legal education in Cambodia

Mr. Hor Peng, Professor, Royal University of Law and Economics

 (2) Introducing interactive lecturing into law schools in Cambodia

Mr. Steven Austermiller, American Bar Association’s Legal Education Advisor in Cambodia

 (3) Legal education reforms in Japan

Mr. Shiozawa Kazuhiro, Professor, Seikei University, Tokyo

 (4) Legal education reform in Thailand

Dr. Sakda Thanitcul, Dean, Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Closing remarks


Center for Asian Legal Exchange (CALE), Nagoya University