Call for Papers (CALE Annual Conference 2022)
Center for Asian Legal Exchange (CALE), Nagoya University, Japan will be hosting its Annual Conference between February 14-15 2022, online.
The Identity and Dynamics of Contemporary Asian Constitutionalism in the Context of Globalization
The post-colonial, post-war, or post-socialist system transformation processes in Asia have created multiple challenges, including institutional (re-)building and governance, economic transition, and extensive legal reforms. From a globalist perspective, Asian constitutionalism and the constitution-making process in Asian states appear to be part of moving towards a Western model of democracy and the rule of law. In reality, various local and specific regional varieties shaped additionally by colonial and traditional tendencies emerged in the context of transformation and created specific ways of constitution-making and establishing diverse constitutional cultures in Asia.
As a part of its project on ‘Advancing Research in Asian Constitutionalism – Establishing a Transnational Research Network to Promote Human Rights and Legal System’ (JSPS Core-to-Core Program: Asia-Africa Science Platforms), CALE’s general theme for this year’s Annual Conference is “The Identity and Dynamics of Contemporary Asian Constitutionalism in the Context of Globalization.” This Conference will cover the following sub-themes;
1) System Transformation and Constitutional Change in Asia
2) Post-colonial, Neo-traditional, and Global Tendencies in Asian Hybrid Constitutionalism
3) The Asian Local Challenges to Constitutional Values
4) Constitutional Adjudication as a Constitutional Stability or Populism in Asia
5) Jus Naturale and Positivism of Rights (Human Rights) in Asian Constitutionalism
6) Emergency Specifics of Asian Constitutionalism
7) Recent Developments in Asian Constitutionalism
We also welcome abstracts that do not fall directly under the sub-themes mentioned above but are still related to other features of Asian constitutionalism.
Submission requirements;
1. Short bio (not exceeding 150 words)
2. Report abstract (not exceeding 250 words)
Submission deadline: December 10, 2021.
Submit directly to : cale-jimu[at]law.nagoya-u.ac.jp
For any questions, please email to: cale-jimu[at]law.nagoya-u.ac.jp
The potential participants will receive notification emails by the end of December 2021.
Following the Conference, the Editors of the Asian Law Bulletin will invite submissions from conference participants by offering them an adequate timeframe for authoring their research articles. The plan is for publication in August/September 2022.