Prof. Akira Fujimoto and Ass. Prof. Aziz Ismatov presented at the Asian Law and Society Virtual International Conference ‘Law Crisis and Revival in Asia’
Prof. Akira Fujimoto, Ass. Prof. Aziz Ismatov and 13 international graduate students of Graduate School of Law participated in the Asian Law and Society Virtual International Conference ‘Law Crisis and Revival in Asia’, co-hosted by the Asian Law and Society Association (ALSA) and Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (Thailand) from September 17 to 18, 2021.
In the session on ‘Comparative Law and Legal Transplant’, Prof. Akira Fujimoto presented a report titled ‘Legal Educator Abroad and Japanese Lawyers Internationalized Career and Identity.’ Also, as a part of the panel on ‘Containing Covid-19 in Asia’, Dr. Aziz Ismatov presented his report titled ‘Applying Super-Presidentialist Solutions to Covid-19 Pandemic in Central Asia.’