CALE 20th anniversary event_Announcement for GSL graduates
We are happy to announce that Nagoya University Center for Asian Legal Exchange (CALE) will be holding an inaugural ceremony and conference to commemorate its 20th anniversary on September 20 (Tue) and 21 (Wed), 2022. We invite all Nagoya University Graduate School of Law alumni of English and Japanese courses to refer further to the Call for Reports for details and submit the application to participate in the conference. CALE will provide a fee for air tickets up to 100,000 yen for the select speakers to support their visit to Nagoya.
Call for Reports Deadline: July 15, 2022
Application Form
Event organizers will also host a separate virtual session to reconnect alumni with their academic advisors, fellow students, and honorary legal scholars affiliated with CALE. The event details will be updated on our website below.
We also invite you to browse our website and join our mailing list to stay updated regarding upcoming academic events, visiting scholar’s programs, and publishing opportunities. Visit our Facebook page and Twitter to receive our latest news and updates.
Please spend a few minutes filling in our follow-up survey below to let us know more about yourself.
If you cannot access the link above, please e-mail us (cale-jimu@law.nagoya-u.ac.jp) your (1) name, (2) country, (3) affiliation and (4) position.
Don’t miss this opportunity to reunite with your academic advisors and fellow students.