Aziz Ismatov – CALE’s Designated Assistant Professor’s admission to Harvard Law School’s 2021 Global Scholars Academy Program as a Participating Researcher
Global Scholars Academy (GSA) is a half a year program at Harvard Law School that promotes education and research mentorship for outstanding post-doctoral and young university scholars specializing in law and politics. Aziz Ismatov – CALE’s designated assistant professor was competitively admitted into GSA 2021 round program to undergo training and research guidance from the world’s outstanding mentors on his research project titled “Do the Globalization Challenges show on Central Asia’s Post-Socialist Constitutions?”. In August, GSA held intensive writing components in small groups of 5-6 peers supervised by prominent researchers, and in January GSA held theoretical training on select research topics. Dr. Ismatov’s manuscript reflects global trends and contemporary ideas as post-colonial heritage, human rights, health, demographics, and environment-related concerns in Central Asian constitutional discourse.