Mission 03

Training of Human Resources in Japan

CALE provides future global leaders with the expertise to support
Asian development

Training Internationally Active Japanese Human Resources

Training global leaders who are committed to
Asia and working for the development of Asia

As Asia gains central attention of the world and numerous Japanese companies expand their operations in Asian countries, Japan needs globally capable human resources with strong international background and comprehensive knowledge on Asia. CALE trains these future global leaders by facilitating their close interactions with overseas students and field research activities.

Teaching Japanese Students and Practitioners in Asian Law

Preparing a new generation of researchers and practitioners who will contribute to legal

Fostering future professionals for legal assistance activities requires strong focus on mastering the language and deeply engaging into advanced research on law and policy of the target country. Legal practitioners who are capable to design and build up a new legal system are also strongly demanded.

International Programs Promotion

Promotion of international training or education programs for Japanese students to see the practice of legal assistance activities abroad

CALE is developing programs to let Japanese students feel a sense of closeness with one or more Asian countries and to provide chances for them to get engaged in legal assistance through short-term and long-term overseas study programs, short-term overseas field trip, and internships at the Research and Education Centers for Japanese Law.